Water Standpipes

A water standpipe is a metered service which provides access to bulk water supplies directly from a point on the water supply main. The City manages 11 fixed water standpipe locations across the City region on behalf of the Water Corporation.

Fixed standpipes provide an essential source of water for people in communities who are remote from reticulated water schemes and may otherwise have limited or not water for household purposes, firefighting or to supplement water for stock.  Businesses remote from reticulated water supply may rely on water carted from fixed standpipes to provide essential input to their business. More information on standpipes

The City can issue a swipe card to a customer to gain access to the network of fixed standpipes and this registers how much water they take and charged accordingly.

Please Note:

The use of potable water as a means of dust suppression is to be kept to a minimum and only allowed if all other avenues of dust suppression has been investigated.

View the [MAP058] CGG Standpipes for Public Use locations.

Swipe Cards for Standpipes (ISD01) can be downloaded from the Infrastructure Services Online Forms page. Please note there is a 2-3 day turnaround time for Standpipe Swipe Card Applications.

Image: Fixed standpipe

Fixed Standpipe