Complaints Register

5.121. Register of certain complaints of minor breaches 

(1) The complaints officer for each local government is required to maintain a register of complaints which records all complaints that result in a finding under section 5.110(2)(a) that a minor breach has occurred. action under section 5.110(6)(b) or (c).

(2) The register of complaints is to include, for each recorded complaint —  

(a) the name of the council member about whom the complaint is made; and

 (b) the name of the person who makes the complaint; and

 (c) a description of the minor breach that the standards panel finds has occurred; and 

 (d) details of the action taken under section 5.110(6). section 5.110(6)(b) or (c).

(3) The CEO must publish an up-to-date version of the register of complaints on the local government’s official website.

View the Register of Complaints under section 5.121 of the Local Government Act 1995

Censure ordered under section 5.110(6), 5.113 or 5.117 – Council Members

5.118. Carrying out orders 

(1) The CEO of the local government concerned is required to arrange the publication of any censure ordered under section 5.110(6) by a standards panel and is to refer to the State Administrative Tribunal any failure to comply with any other order made under that subsection. 

(2) The Departmental CEO is required to arrange the publication of any censure ordered under section 5.113 or 5.117(1) 5.117 by the State Administrative Tribunal and is to refer to the State Administrative Tribunal any failure to comply with any other order made under either of those sections. 

(3) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), the CEO of the local government concerned must publish on the local government’s official website any censure ordered under section 5.110(6), 5.113 or 5.117(1) in respect of a person who is a council member. 

View all censures ordered under section 5.110(6), 5.113 or 5.117 – Council Members

  • There are currently no censure orders

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