Multicultural Geraldton

The City recognises and celebrates its cultural diversity and is an inclusive and cohesive community which draws on its cultural and linguistic diversity to enhance its social and cultural development.
Council encourages and supports multicultural associations and groups which form the networks to engage with residents from more than 60 nations of the world who now call the City home.
The following listing provides links to specific Australian Government and community organisations relating to multiculturalism and associated topics in Australia.
Midwest Organisations
Midwest Multicultural Association
Ph: 0459 902 117
For cultural, social, community, sporting and recreational organisations, see the City’s Community Directory.
English Language Classes
Queen Elizabeth II Seniors & Community Centre, Durlacher Street, Geraldton
Friday 1pm to 3pm during school terms
Ph: (08)9956 6636
Federal Government
State Government
Other resources
Communities and services
Educational resources
- The is an educational tool to help combat racism and promote a culture of respect and equality among high school students around Australia has been launched by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC).